So that is them. Take a gander.
I am not sure what else there is to say.
I played the piano in sacrament today. It was a piece my piano teacher and I arranged. Parker, my little brother, was my page turner. He did a phenomenal job. He even reminded me where to slow down and where to speed up. He's adorable.
Having friends that are girls is a bit tough. I hate taking sides on arguments and I try my hardest to stay out, but it never works. I am sure it will eventually just die down and it will be a thing of the past. I love all of my friends so dearly, and I just like it better when we all get along.
My mother started a new "thing". She has this garbage bag. And while I am at school, anything that is not picked up or put away, goes into the garbage bag. I have to do tremendous jobs to get my things back, like I cleaned the whole kitchen, to get a sweatshirt. Dumb sweatshirt. Dumb garbage bag. One of my binders smeagled its way into the bag, and I cleaned the house all by myself on saturday, just to get it back. But I did get a four and a half hour nap before. That was nice.
Well I am really boring. So I am gonna go talk to my mom about my problems.
~Rachel LaVerda.